Sun Take Away


Nikola Tesla

We are whirling through endless space, with and inconceivable speed, all around everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere there is energy. There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides. The mere contemplation of these magnificent possibilities expand our minds, strengthens our hopes and and fills our hearts with supreme delight

About the project

Our project is aimed at bringing low entropy solar energy to everyone so that any person can use rare solar photons and be filled with the energy of a special date or solar event. Do you want to feel the energy from your wedding day, birthday, a solar eclipse, or a special solstice? Energize yourself for new accomplishments even on the cloudiest and darkest days? This project is for you!

Special days

The spectrum of solar photons reaching the Earth varies. It depends on events directly on the Sun. Flares and magnetic storms significantly change the spectrum, meaning different photons reach the Earth on different days. Additionally, the gravity of other celestial bodies also affects the spectrum

Earth's atmosphere

It also matters what angle the Sun is at relative to our planet’s atmosphere. The absorption of photons by clouds and the atmosphere depends on their path. The shortest path is over the equator. The most saturated spectrum reaches the planet when the Sun is at the zenith and there are no clouds

Earth's magnetic field

A perfectly special solar spectrum is achieved in the regions of the Earth’s poles because the Earth’s magnetic field is much weaker there. Radiation that would never reach the surface in warmer latitudes can only be found at the poles! The unique radiation of the polar lights is special in its composition


A solar eclipse is a unique phenomenon, especially a total eclipse. During a total eclipse, only photons from the solar corona reach the Earth, while the main spectrum is blocked by the Moon’s shadow. The extremely low entropy radiation of an eclipse can prompt bold and extraordinary decisions due to its rarity

Black wax candles

We have many ideas for concentrating and accumulating solar photons. We started our project with handmade black wax candles. The geometry of the candles, specifically their 5 mm thickness, allows wavelengths longer than 1 mm to pass through. The special black color ensures that shorter wavelengths are absorbed as fully as possible. We carefully collect sunlight for you!

Project geography

We charge candles in the sunniest parts of our planet, as well as above the Arctic Circle. Additionally, we track all solar eclipses and travel to those locations! We collect the fullest spectrum of solar radiation

Project development

We are not limited to candles. Special night lamps with natural heat radiation are in development. This start-up is an ambassador and an absolute novelty in our world! You can contact us and discuss prospects via the special section at the bottom of the page. The Sun heats us and feeds us, and we are sure that the Sun can also inspire us to do brave things!

We are against chaos

You know the expression “Groundhog Day”? This represents chaos. If you want to radically and qualitatively change your life but do nothing to achieve this, nothing will change. Water does not flow under a lying stone! Have you tried all means and found nothing that works? Take advantage of the low entropy of our solar candles! Choose the light of your special date! Feel the energy of the photons!

question - answer
Do you have a Question?

No one can tell you exactly. These are your special event dates, or some universal ones. This is an informational site. For more information on choosing, follow us on social media, such as Instagram

It is desirable to exclude any other light sources and be in the dark as much as possible. You can surround yourself with mirrors. In the process think about your dreams, reason about events, you will feel everything!

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