
and Sun

Leonardo da Vinci

Nothing is hidden under the Sun

Fire and Sun

The Sun is often associated with a huge bonfire, and it truly is, but only partially so. It’s a nuclear fusion reaction that releases massive amounts of high-energy light. Additionally, magnetic fields and solar flares are also sources of useful solar radiation. Therefore, fire is justifiably associated with the Sun as a source of light. Many people use fire as a symbol of the Sun in their practices

Mirrors and energy

How does a mirror affect solar photons? It is believed that mirrors amplify photons, which is indeed true. Mirrors not only duplicate some photons but also allow them to be directed. This principle forms the basis of lasers. Largely because of this, mirrors are attributed magical properties. A mirror is essentially a photon amplifier

Healing light

Sunlight is believed to have healing properties and can prevent or cure certain diseases. Ancient people believed, and with good reason, that sunlight could heal open wounds. Vitamin D is synthesized in the body through exposure to the sun. Moderate exposure to solar photons is necessary for human health, and a lack of sunlight can lead to psychological issues, as evidenced by the phenomenon known as the “Darkness of Egypt.” Sunlight is healing in many ways

Sunny drink

How did ancient people harness the healing and energizing power of sunlight? They made solar drinks by charging bowls with photons and pouring liquid into them. This special ritual of infusing life-giving energy is largely lost now. We strive to pay attention to and study this wisdom of our ancestors


This concept originates from the Yoga Sutras of ancient India. Yes, there are practices involving complete renunciation of food and substitution with solar energy. Ancient yogis achieved psychokinesis and clairvoyance through the solar diet. Even Nikola Tesla believed that mankind, at the next stage of evolution, could completely abandon food. Sun eaters still exist today

Sun and water

In mysticism, the Sun and water are often attributed to different elements, and sometimes even assigned opposite meanings. However, they are not truly separate. Without the Sun, water on Earth would freeze and lack life-giving power. The Sun and water should be considered in conjunction, as they are inextricably linked. Water absorbs a significant amount of the Sun’s energy, storing it to release at night

Love and sunshine

The Sun was considered a symbol of fertility in ancient times, representing male strength and female fertility. It was believed that sunlight favored the birth of boys. Pregnant women were advised to take regular and brief belly sunbaths. Young men were thought to store energy during the day to use it at night

Light and evil

Sunlight has always been considered good and righteous, while darkness is associated with evil. Dark forces fear the light, awakening at night and dissipating with the rising sun. Evil recoils from sunlight. The power of solar photons is believed to overcome any evil force

Sun Take Away

We believe that the power of solar photons and the Sun are underestimated in our time. Consciously or unconsciously, the Sun is an undeniable and major source of energy for people and our planet. And our task is to help harness this energy. That’s what our project “Sun Take Away” is about – bringing useful solar energy to those in need. In many places, clouds obscure the sun and there’s not enough energy for accomplishments. Our project aims to assist those districts! Additionally, we collect and store special days of rare and strong solar energy to share with you when needed

Eleanor Roosevelt

It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness


The birthday when the Earth and Sun return to the position as at birth


The mirrors duplicate solar photons, amplifying the effect

Tarot deck

There is a solar card in tarot cards. There is also a unique solar deck


Solar radiation during an eclipse is unique in its energy spectrum


Earth’s closest position to the Sun. Our planet receives maximum energy


Earth’s farthest position to the Sun. Our planet receives a minimum of solar energy and a maximum of cosmic energy

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